Level_What, Scale_Urban/landscape Ioannis Lykouras Level_What, Scale_Urban/landscape Ioannis Lykouras

Active architecture

Active architecture within the context of health and wellbeing Prioritises the creation of built environments that actively encourage physical activity and healthier lifestyles among occupants. This approach involves architectural design that incorporates elements promoting movement, exercise, and overall well-being. It directly contributes to physical health by making regular physical activities more accessible. Features like appealing, well-lit staircases, access to recreational facilities, and pedestrian-friendly urban planning encourage walking, cycling, and active commuting, reducing sedentary behaviours linked to chronic health issues. Moreover, active architecture fosters social well-being. Spaces designed to promote physical activity, like community parks, sports facilities, and pedestrian-friendly streets, provide opportunities for people to come together, socialise, and form connections, thereby improving mental and emotional health.

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