Dordtyart Museum

The Dordtyart project uses waste materials to temporarily repurpose the former De Biesbosch ship machinery factory into a museum and a facility for creating contemporary sculptural artworks. Situated in the ‘de Staart’ redevelopment area of Dordrecht, this space serves not only as an exhibition venue and a production centre but also functions as a vocational training institute, offering work experience opportunities to Dordrecht residents who are currently outside the job market.

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Apartments in the Constable School

The Margretheholm islet located in Copenhagen served as the residence of the Danish Navy for several centuries. The constable school building, originating from 1939, had remained deserted for many years, displaying significant signs of deterioration. With a relatively small budget, the project was to work with adaptive reuse with the listed structure, transforming it to function as cost-effective student apartments. The adopted approach involved preserving the building’s original and weathered characteristics, with a deliberate emphasis on accentuating the dichotomy between the new additions and the historical elements. The subsequent apartments in the Constable School are an award-winning transformation project prolonging the existing building’s life, embedding the cultural heritage and ensuring carbon stays within the buildings while reducing the need for new materials, resources and waste production from demolition.

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Everyman Theatre

The redesign of the Everyman Theatre was no easy task. It is a newly built naturally ventilated theatre building in the middle of Liverpool with a strong link to the past and ambitious environmental goals, designed by the architects together with engineers, theatre staff and the public. It uses an earth tube in a large air plenum (void space) under the building to cool (and in winter pre-heat) the spaces that acoustically separates the spaces from the urban soundscape. Everyman is fitted with an airtight and well insulated envelope and together with the natural ventilation, the theatre manages to run with significantly less energy, compared to other performance spaces. The architects have run a post-occupancy evaluation report in 2021, and it reveals that both the staff, and customers are extremely happy with the new theatre.

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