

The Ii-River Delta was an important fishery and seal hunting hub in the Neolithic era, and the Kierikki Stone Age Centre is built to visualise and educate people about the cultural heritage of the area. Until the beginning of the 20th century, nearly all the common buildings in Finland were log framed, and the Kierikki area is the home of the earliest archaeological findings of sophisticated timber structures in Finland, dating back 5000 years. Kierikki Centre’s stepped pyramid shape, and traditional stacked log construction is a nod to architectural history. There is also a stone age village built next to the centre, displaying the lifestyle, dwellings, and hunting techniques of the time. The centre is built using local materials, local workforce, and honouring local history.

Produced by Tampere University as part of the ARCH4FUTURE project.
Co-funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Voiceover by Dara Nerweyi


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Hervanta Central Axis